  blog > expo & verwerking data onderzoek Onder ons gezegd (Between us) (2017-) 2023
  buy > or > (Epub or POD)  
  read > project + expo Show Your Colours 2010-2015
  buy > or > (hard or soft cover)  
  read > project + expo BUTTERFLY 2007-2011
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  read > project + expo EAST / WEST 2005-2006
group exhibition      
  read > expo CUESTA'09 2009
visual works        
  read > work in situ WHITE ON BLACK 2012
  read > works on demand FRAGILE PRESENT 2011
  read > or > script of textscape, part of a visual work ( Project Butterfly) (Nl or Eng) 2008-09
  read > denken in collages horizontaal 2015-20
  read > denken in collages vertikaal 2015-20
  read > denken in collages miniatuur 2018
  read > dismemberment revisited 2022
  read > paraffine schriftuur 2020